Dear Ms. Jillian Michaels,
You are one shady and mystical beezy. Your powers astound me. Riddle me this: How is it possible that I now actually crave and enjoy vegetables? EH? And how on earth do you will me to not only endure, but vigorously participate in your merciless workouts from beginning to end? Without stopping. Sure, toward the end there I had to imagine that I was battling Satan for my soul, the conditions being that if I gave up working out, I would be sent to hell. But still. I finished. And FURTHERMORE. How is it physically possible for me to still be sweating 20 minutes AFTER I get out of a cool shower? Hmmmmm?
Ya. You think about that. I want answers.
P.S. Thank you for my shapely legs and ever shrinking arm fat... you wicked sorceress of cardio.