Anyway. On with Hanukristinkuh.
Friday, May 13th.
Work wasn't particularly taxing on Friday. When I got home from work, I didn't really have a game plan. I was experiencing a major devastation hang-over on account of something not working out with a boy (ya, lame) and I just reallllly wanted to come home to Kaysville. My mom was planning on going to Salt Lake anyway that day so we planned for her to swing down and pick me up after running some errands. Oh wait, except the van decided to nearly croak in Murray. So. I decided to take my chances driving up to kaysville in le skunk truck. My general rule is that I never put it into 5th gear, let alone intentionally drive it on the freeway, but I was absolutely desperate to get home. I took state street for as long as I could but I couldn't avoid the point of the mountain. I started at the bottom of the hill going 70 ish... and by the time I got to the top I was going 55 with my petal to the metal and a prayer in my heart. I met up with mama Booth at costco in Murray. It had taken me an hour and a half to get packed and then get to Murray from Provo. When I pulled up next to her, she was washing (yes, washing) the van in the Costco parking lot with a water bottle. Bless her heart. She was so bored waiting for me. I drove behind her the rest of the way to Kaysville and luckily we both survived.
Once we got home, I decided that my birthday weekend celebration needed to start immediately to get me out of the bummer of a mood I was in. Mama Booth was all too happy to get started. So. We met up with Nicole in Brigham City for a birthday dinner at Maddox Ranch House. Holy freaking yummy. After dinner at the restaurant, we opened some presents outside at a picnic table because it was soooo warm and nice outside.
On Friday night I got:
- Jane Eyre, A Christmas Carol, and Sense and Sensibility (the cutie bum penguin classics)
- A cover for my cell phone
- A pandora charm bracelet
- Annnnd my memory is escaping me. Moving on.
Saturday morning I woke up early because I thought we were going to go boating, but mother flippin nature decided it would be a better idea to get crazy windy. So. Dad worked on the boat (just tinkering... etc.) And I hung out with my mom all day. We drove back down to salt lake to exchange my bracelet because it was too small. The sales-ladies at the jewelery store were wenches.... and they made me nervous... so we exchanged my too-small bracelet for one that was entirely too big. I didn't notice at the time because I was excited to get out of there.
We ate lunch at Panda Express and then made our way back to k-town. I took a nice long birthday-weekend nap, and when I woke up my dad and I took the boat out to drive around. It was too late and still kind of cold so we didn't get in the water, but it was nice to go play outside. When we got home from boating, my mom had decorated our house for my birthday and wrapped MORE presents for me to open.
Saturday night I got:
- Fishing tackle from my dad
- A cute bamboo grass mat
- a HUGE citronella candle (to ward off the evil bees)
- candle lighters
- a tool box/bag
I woke up early and went to chuch at my parents' family ward in kaysville. The single's ward creeps me RIGHT out.. because it basically consists of me trying to avoid all the people I didn't like in high school who for some reason are still living in their parents' basement. (No offense to the davis park ward. Actually, offense. I don't care.)
Church was wonderful and I got to chat with all the cute relief society ladies who always get so excited when a grown-up child of a ward member comes to visit.
After church I took another ridiculously long nap. When I woke up, Mama Booth had made pizza and decided to whip up a chocolate cake with raspberry filling from scratch. She is such a birthday wizard. We ate yummy pizza and food and just generally enjoyed day 3 of my birthday weekend.
Monday, May 16th
I went to work on Monday morning and it was fabulous. I love the independent study office. My bff work-friend Brittany made an AMAZING birthday card, which everyone in the office signed.

It made my life so happy! Mama Booth came down to provo to give me my finally right-sized bracelet and drove me down to campus so I wouldn't have to walk to class from work. Once class was over I met up with Sammy Sam to go pick up Brittany (not the same as the work-friend) from the airport. We got there right as she was ready to be picked up. From the airport we went to the always-delicious cheesecake factory for ANOTHER birthday dinner. It was soooo yummy and we didn't even have to wait for a table, which was fortunate, because nothing sends me into a murderous rage faster than being told I'm going to have to wait 80 minutes for a table at the Cheesecake Factory.
Sam and Brittany are my bffs and going out to eat is one of our favorite things to do. The birthday dinner did not disappoint. Afterwards we went home to my old appartment and just chilled for the rest of the night. Sam gave me a wonderful turquoise-blue dream catcher, and Brittany gave me the perfume version of my new favorite bath and bodyworks smell for my birthday.
AND THEN. When I got home to my apartment my mom had filled my window well with flowers and left me a card on my bed.

And my roommates gave me a card. And a barnes and noble gift card. And made a happy birhtday sign. And sculpted a pony out of icecream and candy in honor of my birth.

The moral of the story is:
My family is the bomb.
My friends are the bomb.
My roommates are the bomb.
Hanukristinkah was an enormous success.
And I will never have a singular birth "day" ever again.