Friday, May 30, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Benches and Such

So I have this obsession with park benches. I love looking at photography of all kinds, (no, not porn. That is a given) but when I see a pretty picture, and there is an empty park bench there I could just look at it forever. The bench has to be empty. Which could be recognizant of a few things.
It could appeal to me because I can appreciate simple things, sometimes even minimalist art if I’m in the right mood. Maybe it’s the plainness that draws me in.
Or. Its because I like to just sit sometimes outside and do nothing. You know… Just observe. I’d like to be in any of these places and just enjoy it.

Who needs dr. Phil. I’ve just had a breakthrough. I’m sick of being the only person on the bench. When I look at an empty bench, there is always the possibility for it to be filled with me and someone else.

And there we have it. The bench is empty. I don’t want to sit there unless it’s with someone I know I want to be next to. And that empty bench is full of possibilities.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
20 years ago: 20 Years ago I was quickly approaching my 1st birthday. My mom never let me cry, because every time I cried it ended in barf. Every single time. What can I say. I'm very close to my emotions. And breakfast.

5 years ago: 5 years ago I was about to turn 16, which is an age loaded with exciting new liberties. I was about to get my license, and the ever looming dating age hung right before me. Little did I know my 16th year of life would bring with it the worst blind date ever, an embarrassing collision with the neighbor's PARKED car, my first real job, and developing some of the very best friendships I've ever had. I was a little bit emotionally unstable, but at least there was no barf finale whenever I cried.
3 years ago: I had just been accepted to BYU and planned on going there in the fall. I never ever wanted to go to BYU, but I just felt like it was right and its been one of the best decisions I've ever made. (And no, I am NOT earning my MRS. Degree... College is awesome and I've learned so much!) I graduated Davis High with Honors, and began working in an office for Abercrombie & Fitch doing inbound customer service calls. Picture the snobbiest customers in the world, and then multiply that by a THOUSAND. And thats what I dealt with every day. But it taught me so much patience I can't say I regret it.

Today: Today is Mother's day. We made dinner for mom.. and gave her some sweet presents and basically just celebrated how awesome a mother she is.
Friday, May 9, 2008
The World is Just Awesome
This commercial warms my heart. As most of you know, I am obsessed with the Discovery Channel. My TV (a sweet 1996 27'' Mitsubishi hand-me-down from Mom and Pop) currently only successfully broadcasts about 10 channels. The cable jack in the back of my TV fell out one day, because it was tired of being jiggled. Any time the picture got fuzzy, we would just jiggle the cable jack until the snowiness subsided. Once the jack reached its breaking point (literally) I had a friend jimmy rig it for me so that it could still be watched. He soldered the jack back in, but with limited channel access. Somehow, (cough cough) I put the test channel on Discovery while he was fixing it.. so for sure that one would work.
I am a colossal nerd. So sue me.
Anyway, I love everything about the Discovery Channel, because I really do think "The World is Just Awesome" .
Lets talk about this commercial now. My favorite segments include Bear Grylls's tender proclamation of his love for the whole world to a scorpion, Adam lighting Jamie's sleeve on fire, Mike Rowe's admiration of "real dirty things..." , that weird mummy lady, and the tribal warrior screaming BOOMDIADA!!!!
I seriously could not love a human baby more than this commercial. Okay well I take that back, but my heart definitely sings along whenever this clip comes on TV. The world is just awesome.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Taxes Suck.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Day Makers and Breakers.

Yay for day makers!