Every time I have stood up today I have seriously felt like fainting. This concerns me. I do not like it when my face goes numb. The last time I really, really fainted was in my 10th grade Human Biology class. We were studying blood. Since my teacher just happened to be diabetic and totally comfortable with making himself bleed, he decided that it would be an awesome idea to do a lab on blood. With his blood. Which is totally disgusting and now that I think about it, probably a major health code violation. Anyway. He bled. I witnessed it. I asked to go to the bathroom but he didn't answer me, so I blindly wandered toward the door as the blood (ironic) drained from my head. All of a sudden I couldn't see or hear, and I was sitting on the floor wanting to throw up in the worst way. It was awesome. NOT. I'm getting all queasy just thinking about it. Bleghghhgg. Fainting. Not fun. don't try it. Here is a collage of fainting goats. Enjoy.

This is...a very strange post.
ReplyDeletethe fact you picked a collage of goats, of all things to go with this post makes me laugh.
ReplyDeleteThat is so awesome. I love that their legs really do stick straight up. I watched this video at work, shhhh, don't tell. But it was really short and worth it. Haha
ReplyDeleteI did not know this about you. I fainted in 10th grade Health, also because of blood-related subject matter! We are totally kindred spirits. And yes, I get queasy talking about blood as well. Not awesome.
ReplyDeleteYou are so Bella in Biology. Also. Fainting goats are now on my top 10 list of favorite things ever, with their cute little knobbly goat knees... THANK YOU.